Welcome to the NoRespawnBlog!

Here at NoRespawn, I will be discussing all things video games. From breaking news to reviews and opinions, you’ll always be in the know. I’ll be utilizing this first post to do a little bit of introduction as I want you, the reader, to get to know me. First and foremost, my name is Max, and you can call me just that. I’m an avid video game lover and enthusiast who’s always wanted to focus my life around my passion and now I plan to do that.

I’ve always grown up with a love for video games, specifically anything competitive. Sadly, I wasn’t able to experience any of the “vintage” games or platforms as I started gaming on a Playstation 2. Before then, I had played some GameBoy, but that was all. When the Playstation 2 came out is when I really began to get into gaming. From Tony Hawks Pro Skater to Psychonauts and Monster Hunter, I played a cornicopia of games, and still do to this day. Since then, I have played Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, PSVita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, and a little of PC and IOS.

You can expect reviews, opinions, and news pieces from a variety of different avenues. I don’t specialize in First Person Shooters nor do I only game on the PS4, but I play a plethora of games within most of the key gaming systems and therefore am allowed to showcase to you a variety of gaming topics.

I already have multiple articles in the works, so be sure to come back and check for those in the near future. Until then, be sure to voice any concerns or questions you may have to me at norespawnblog@yahoo.com.

Until next time, this has been Max. Stay hungry, gamers.

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